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Half Moon
Healing Services



 Clinical Supervision

Good news! We have expanded!

Half Moon Healing now has multiple counselors which means more capacity to serve our community. Please take a look at our counselor pages and see if our specialties meet your needs.

Wild Scenery
Misty Woodland
Andrea Michelle Photography Bellingham H
Christy Boex and
Emily Carraux,
Licensed Mental Health Counselors


Welcome to Half Moon Healing! We are so glad you found us. Located in Bellingham, WA, we offer a number of services, including individual therapy, relationship therapy, consultation, and clinical supervision for pre-licensed therapists. We are licensed to work with those located in Washington State, both in-person and over video. Please take some time to explore to see if what we offer might be a good fit for you!

Please note that the services offered at this practice are available to all identities. Half Moon Healing is a queer-run and queer-affirming business that values the lives, perspectives, and experiences of those in the queer/LGBTQIA+ community. Additionally, Half Moon Healing uses HAES (Health at Every Size) in its approach to therapy and navigating the complex relationships we have with our bodies. The pursuit of cultural humility is at the core of all practices offered. ALL identities and bodies are welcome here and we can't wait to work with you!

Half Moon Healing...

Many meanings can be derived from the symbol of the half moon. Often it is looked at as a transitional state. We see it as waxing or waning, depending on the current timing of its cycle. The half moon is frequently associated with fertility, life, death, ebb and flow. It is connected to nature and cyclical ways of being.

What we also know about the half moon is that we only get to see the parts that are exposed to light, with a good portion still in the shadows. This is often how we come to therapy, aware of certain parts of ourselves but curious to explore those deeper, more shadowy parts that also contribute to who we are. Establishing care with Half Moon Healing means building a trusting relationship with your provider to explore these deeper parts, with confident support by your side.

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